1.9 Trillion Stimulus Includes SUD Treatment Services and Mental Health Support
SUD treatment services and mental health support are an essential part of the 1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. As the Biden Administration emphasizes a return to normalcy, most of the bill provides relief for the COVID-19 pandemic. After all, ancillarydamage from the extended shutdown places many Americans in financial jeopardy.
At the same time, SUD treatment services are needed with a sharp rise in opioid use disorder (OUD) and substance use across the board. When people stress out, they often reach for an easy escape.

Hence, Tarzana Treatment Centers (TTC) marks this focus on substance use disorder and mental health. Indeed, the health of the citizenry of the United States requires funding. The stimulus package includes funding for numerous substance use disorder programs and mental health support programs. While the bill directs funding mainly to publicly funded treatment, the Healthcare Provider Fund offers options for other SUD treatment services and providers.
Crucial Funding of SUD Treatment Services
Beyond the $1,400 deposits going into the bank accounts of most Americans, the stimulus package also provides the following funding initiatives:
- $3.5 billion (about $11 per person in the United States)to be split equally between SAMHSA’s Substance Use Prevention & Treatment program, and SAMHSA’s Community Mental Health program
- $30 million for a new prevention program at SAMHSA specifically designed for drug overdoses and other forms of drug misuse
- $20 million for a national evidence-based education and awareness campaign that targets health care professionals and first responders
- $40 million to promote mental and behavioral health that targets health care professionals and first responders
- $80 million for mental and behavioral health training for healthcare professionals and public safety officers
- $100 million for the Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training program at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), to expand access toservices
$3.5 Billion = A Huge Step in the Right Direction

The main emphasis of the bill is the $3.5 billion in SAMHSA block grants to state and local government entities to address mental health and substance use disorders. TTC believes this is a huge step in the right direction. Thankfully, the new administration is not placing SUD treatment services and mental health support on the back burner.
Moving forward, America needs integrated healthcare services that reflect the TTC mission. Rather than treat a part of the person, the whole person is the ideal focus. The new funding applied with care is key in treating mental illnesses and substance use disorders.
Indeed, there is a tidal wave of pain happening in the country, and this significant funding of SUD treatment services and mental health support hopefully will be the beginning of stemming that destructive tide.