Parenting classes and support help parents help their kids. For years as part of the Youth Services program, Tarzana Treatment Centers has offered specialized services for parents. Also, we have had a particular focus on women and parents with their children.
The Goal of Parenting Classes and Support
The goal of TTC’s parenting classes is to expand awareness of challenges while providing educational resources. Our Parenting Classes cover:
- Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Prevention and Relapse Prevention
- Mental Health Awareness and Resources
- HIV/AIDS Education + STD Education
- Introduction to Family Counseling Options and Benefits
- Coping Skills and Relationship Smarts
- Wellness Classes and Symposiums
Parents Classes and Positive Role Models
We strengthen parental leadership by highlighting the underlying causes of dysfunctional family interactions. In Parenting Classes, healthy boundaries are promoted within the family.
Parents learn the importance of being role models for their children. Moreover, parents learn to accept the role of figures of respect within the family unit. By fostering respect, a parent creates a safe space for a child to grow in a challenging world.
Health and Positivity in Parenting Classes
Parenting Classes promote a family culture of health and positivity, encouraging parents to make better lifestyle choices. Hence, interactive wellness discussions are part of the Parenting Classes. Moreover, parenting classes are done both in-person and remotely as well.
By maintaining a positive focus, our hope that Parenting Classes result in healthier and happier families. After all, healing at TTC begins with good health and positivity.