A Magnified Stress Awareness Month Marks April of 2021
Since 1992, Stress Awareness Month is a worldwide phenomenon every April. The goal of Stress Awareness Month is to increase public awareness about the modern stress epidemic. At the same time, the month offers educational opportunities about the causes of and cures for an overload of stress.

In 2021, however, still, in the thick of the Coronavirus pandemic, it makes more sense than ever before why people feel overwhelmed or unable to cope. If you areexperiencing elevated levels of stress, then Tarzana Treatment Centers (TTC) is here to help. If you worry that this stress overload is damaging your health, TTC understands your pain.
Indeed, TTC’s treatment professionals and clinicians know how to help you and your family find the relief you desire. Hence, Stress Awareness Month is a perfect time to start the process.
Health Challenges and Stress Awareness Month
Although many people fail to take the dangers seriously, stress is one of the great public health challenges of the 21st century. As a trigger mechanism, stress is a significant factor in the rise of mental health issues during the COVID pandemic,including anxiety and depression. Moreover, stress is also linked to physical health problems like heart disease, poor immune response, indigestion, and insomnia.
Thus, when you combine normal stressors with the difficulties associated with a pandemic, a normal trigger becomes a hair-trigger. In other words, a mental health crisis often happens with the slightest pressure that normally is not an issue.
As a holistic provider of both mental health and substance use disorder treatment services, Tarzana Treatment Centers is ready for the challenges of Stress Awareness Month. Throughout the pandemic, we have helped people and their families navigate mental health challenges. In the same way, when a rise in stress leads to a substance use disorder or a relapse, we are here to help.
Indeed, relapse often happens as people navigate the dark corridors of early sobriety. Instead of pointing fingers, we offer open arms that welcome a person back into the light of recovery.

Stress Awareness Month and Coping Strategies
By focusing on and learning coping strategies, stress awareness month becomes a time when healing takes the reins. Here are some coping strategies to help deal with stress:
- Externalize the problem by talking about stress
When you talk about your difficulties with families, friends, and treatment professionals, you let people into your inner circle. Suddenly, you are not alone with the pounding heart of a stressful situation. Instead, people can work together to find answers and start to heal.
- Ask about Coping Strategies and Share Your Own
When you talk to people, ask how they are coping with the stress of this tough time. Thus, listen with care to how their coping strategies work for them. You might just stumble on a method that will work for you. Also, be open and share your own strategies.
- Compassion and Empathy are the Names of the Game
During Stress Awareness Month, compassion and empathy are the names of the game If you want to have compassion and empathy for yourself, start by being kind to others. Indeed, the success of 12-Step programs shows that being of service to another helps to heal ourselves.
- Be Generous with Yourself
We all tend to be hardest on ourselves. An all-too common human trait, we are more generous with others than we are with ourselves. Today, during Stress Awareness Month, be kind toyourself. Thus, relax for a while and do what you enjoy. After all, love starts in the home.
- Quiet the Fearful Voices in Your Head
Okay, it is hard to admit, but we all have fearful voices in our heads that predict the worst outcome. However, most of what those voices predict never happens. Thus, you need to quiet those fearful voices and embrace a positive perspective that everything will be okay in the end.
Tarzana Treatment Centers Is Here to Help
During Stress Awareness Month in April 2021, Tarzana Treatment Centers is a valuable resource to help people in need of treatment services. By focusing on the whole person, we offer a program that turns a challenging time in your life around, placing you on the path of a successful long-term recovery.