Drug Medi-Cal Addiction Treatment
Drug Medi-Cal currently covers addiction treatment in a way that can work for many who suffer from alcoholism, heroin or prescription drug addictions. Until residential treatment becomes a covered benefit in 2016, services like detox, outpatient, and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) are available.
When alcoholics or addicts hit bottom, they are at the lowest point of their lives. From their own perspective, that is. So the resulting motivation for recovery may lead them to believe that they need the most intensive treatment available. Residential treatment is a must, in their opinion, Nothing else could possibly help them to get clean and sober for any length of time. For a lot of them, though, this just isn’t the case.
When a person is dependent on a substance like alcohol or heroin, the body needs medical detoxification as the first part of addiction treatment. Detox is most effective as inpatient care so that a medical team can monitor the health of a patient. Once that treatment is complete, the patient “steps down” to some form of aftercare. That usually means intensive outpatient or residential treatment.
It’s difficult to say what percentage of patients need one or the other. Although outpatient treatment is quite effective for alcohol and opioid addiction treatment when it is paired with one of a few forms of MAT. Vivitrol is a monthly injection of Naltrexone that reduces alcohol and opioid cravings, minimizing the chance of relapse between sessions. And Methadone or Buprenorphine Maintenance works well for heroin and prescription drug addicts that have had trouble remaining abstinent on prior treatment attempts.
Drug Medi-Cal beneficiaries need to take note of this information. If you need treatment, get it now. Don’t wait for residential treatment to be covered. We’ve said it many times on this website and in our offices every day. It is very dangerous for alcoholics and opioid addicts to put off treatment for any reason, so start now and don’t quit until you are in recovery.
If you have Medi-Cal insurance and don’t know if you qualify for Drug Medi-Cal benefits, then you need to call now. You are thinking of treatment and Tarzana Treatment Centers has a program to fit your needs, no matter what coverage you have. We can help.