Four Signs A Person Is Becoming Dependent on Drinking Alcohol
Drinking alcohol is the gold standard of acceptable indulgences in Western civilization. In popular culture, people learn that a drink is a party, a relaxation, or a reward. Most importantly, in almost every formulation, drinking alcohol proves to be an escape from reality.
To avoid alcohol use disorder, education is a key ingredient. Thus, we outline four signs that a person is becoming dependent on alcohol use.

If you feel you are becoming dependent on alcohol, then you might have a problem. Indeed, recovery from alcohol use disorder is a necessity to promote good health. Drinking alcohol leads to several major health conditions, including liver damage, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and digestive problems.
Therefore, at Tarzana Treatment Centers (TTC), the treatment of alcohol use disorder is a priority.
Drinking Alcohol and Alcohol Use Disorder
There is a false belief that moderate drinking is healthy, but this is not the case. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) detailed, “Some past studies had suggested that moderate drinking might be good for your health. But scientists highly debate these findings. More studies now show that there aren’t health benefits of moderate drinking compared to not drinking.”
If you are unsure whether you or a loved one’s drinking habits count as alcohol dependency or addiction, look out for these four signs:
Worrying about where the next drink is coming from and how to get it
If you or a loved one spends an inordinate amount of time worrying about the next drink and how to get it, then there is a problem. Drinking alcohol is descending into alcohol use disorder, and you need help.
Isolating from family and friends because drinking alcohol is the focus
If finding a drink suddenly becomes more important than spending time with family and friends, you most likely are becoming dependent. When alcohol use disorder takes over, a person often separates from loved ones to avoid judgment and drink more.

Acquiring a tolerance to alcohol and having to drink more to reach intoxication
Tolerance is a sure sign that alcohol use is becoming habitual. After all, it takes time and effort to develop a tolerance to a substance. Indeed, such tolerance does not happen overnight. Tolerance implies that drinking alcohol is becoming an issue that needs to be addressed.
Not being able to reduce alcohol use despite attempts to curb its use
If you make attempts to curb your alcohol use, but they fail time and again, then you most likely are experiencing alcohol use disorder. If dependence on alcohol is a challenge in your life or a loved one’s life, it is not a dead end. With professional treatment, there is still hope to stop.
Recovery from Alcohol Dependence is a Reality
Please make the smart choice and contact Tarzana Treatment Centers today to access the support you need to recover.