Know the Physical Signs of Teen Ecstasy Use
Parents need to know the signs of teen ecstasy use and club drugs abuse. Teenagers and young adults use club drugs at bars, nightclubs, concerts, and parties. Although club drugs also range from Ketamine (“Special K”) and GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) to methamphetamine and hallucinogens like LSD (acid), we focus on ecstasy (MDMA) in this article. In future articles, we will focus on the signs and symptoms of other club drugs abuse by teens. Indeed, our goal is to help parents become fully informed of the possible substance use disorders (SUD) dangers threatening their children.
Ecstasy, also known as Molly in the club scene, is the street name for the chemical compound 3,4-Methyl enedioxy methamphetamine or MDMA. Usually taken by mouth for recreational purposes, the drug originally was legally prescribed as a therapeutic device for patients in psychotherapy and counseling sessions. Heightening physical sensations, the drug leads to increased energy, empathy, and pleasure. Once taken, the effects begin in 30 to 45 minutes, usually lasting 3 to 6 hours.

Although ecstasy sounds positive on the surface, it is a dangerous drug that often leads to reckless behaviors, potential overdoses, and long-term psychological damage. Indeed, teen ecstasy use results in too many cases in hospitalizations and even death. Thus, parents need to know the signs of teen ecstasy use to avoid abuse by their children. Recognizing this challenge, Tarzana Treatment Centers offers a variety of treatment options for teen ecstasy use.
Know the Warning Signs of Teen Ecstasy Use
Below are the warning signs of teen ecstasy use. Although these signs do not necessarily signal teen ecstasy use, they are definitive red flags when seen in conjunction with each other. After all, when it comes to teenagers rolling the dice and taking extreme risks with illegal drugs, it is always better to be safe. Indeed, you need to know the warning signs of teen ecstasy use.
Here are the Physical Symptoms of Teen Ecstasy Use:
- Chills and shaking
- Intense sweating
- Increases in heart rate and blood pressure
- Involuntary teeth clenching
- Nausea and stomach cramps
- Rapid eye movement
- Blurred vision and confusion
- Dry Mouth and Intense Thirst
Many of these physical symptoms are caused by street ecstasy being cut with other drugs. For example, the teeth clenching is caused by ecstasy often being mixed with speed. However, according to a recent study of the impurities in Molly and ecstasy, as “one of the most adulterated drug markets, the impurity of molly in different regions and at different times varies quite a bit – that is, there’s no such thing as the ‘most common adulterants.’”
Teen Ecstasy Use and Overdose Dangers
Since many parents believe ecstasy is harmless, it is important to highlight the dangers of teen ecstasy use. Indeed, overdoses are all too common. For example, ecstasy use also involves “stacking” where teenagers take three or more tablets at once. Hence, stacking often leads to overdoses. Moreover, ecstasy use is also characterized by “piggy-backing” where a young person takes a bunch of tablets over a brief period. Once again, this dangerous approach to teen ecstasy use is a recipe for an overdose.
In a future article, we will detail the psychological and behavioral signs of ecstasy use. Often, the physical signs can be mistaken for something else. However, when combined with the psychological and behavioral signs of teen ecstasy use. Indeed, an ongoing goal of the clinical team at Tarzana Treatment Centers is to help parents protect their children.