Overcoming the Stigma of Heroin Treatment in Drug and Rehab Centers
Did you know that the stigma of heroin treatment exists even in drug and rehab centers? Beyond addiction, the negative stigma can affect anyone receiving treatment at drug and rehab centers for substance use disorders (SUD). However, despite the rise in overdoses caused by fentanyl and synthetic opioids, heroin remains the big bad wolf in the public’s imagination.
With a long history of stigma and demonization, heroin addicts and heroin users face an intimidating wall of stigma. Indeed, such stigma prevents them from accessing heroin treatment at drug and rehab centers like Tarzana Treatment Centers (TTC).

At Tarzana Treatment Centers, the SUD treatment team focuses on battling the disorder and not human beings. Marking our 50th Anniversary of providing SUD treatment options in 2022, TTC has a proven history of saving lives. For example, we are at the forefront of using Medications for Addiction Treatment (MAT) Services during opiate detox. Rather than getting lost in the jungle of unnecessary stigma, we focus on recovery in action.
The Stigma of Heroin Treatment = A Deadly Problem
Without any doubt, the stigma that surrounds heroin treatment is a deadly problem. Such stigma begins with using terms like “addict” and “addiction.” Thus, at TTC, our treatment team focuses on substance use disorders. Also, we never refer to our clients as addicts. Instead, our clients are patients in our care to receive heroin treatment. Thus, the goal is to break the cycle of using and promote sustainable recovery.

Moreover, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) agrees with this perspective on heroin treatment. A CDC analysis of stigma and addiction states, “Addiction is a disease, not a character flaw… Overcoming a substance use disorder is not as simple as resisting the temptation to take drugs through willpower alone. Recovery may involve medication to help with cravings and withdrawal as well as different forms of therapy. It may even require checking into a rehabilitation facility.”
Recovery Happens by Overcoming Stigma
From experience, TTC knows that recovery happens by overcoming the stigma of heroin treatment in drug and rehab centers. By providing education and awareness training to our communities, TTC helps patients walk through our open doors. Ultimately, we are here to save lives. If you or a loved one is struggling with a substance use disorder, please contact us today to access the help that works in practice.