Past Drug Abuse of Samuel L Jackson Detailed in People Magazine
In People magazine, the past drug abuse of Samuel L Jackson, the incredibly successful actor, is revealed with courage and grace. Opening his life to the world, he details his struggle early in his career with drug abuse and addiction. Lasting for eight years, the past drug abuse of Samuel L Jackson put himself and his family through a living hell. In this ongoing series, Tarzana Treatment Centers (TTC) highlights the recovery of celebrities to show that recovery is possible.
Like many, Samuel L Jackson struggled with substance use disorder (SUD) in his youth. He explains that during the early years of his marriage, “I was like the troll in the basement, and every now and then, I’d come upstairs and hover around to do something.” Thankfully, he found a path to recovery that works for him and his family.

At Tarzana Treatment Centers, the clinical team understands that addiction is an equal-opportunity disease that hits everyone. As shown repeatedly, fame and fortune do not shield someone from substance use disorders. As a direct result, TTC provides SUD treatment services for whoever needs help, regardless of color, creed, or sexual identity. In the end, the goal is to save lives and promote recovery.
Detailing the Drug Abuse of Samuel L. Jackson
In the article in People magazine, the past drug abuse of Samuel L Jackson happens early in his marriage and his career. Hence, the actor admits that drugs made him absent from his family and career. However, Samuel L. Jackson and LaTanya Richardson Jackson will celebrate 42 years of marriage in 2023. The couple told People, “We made a pact to stay together.”
A successful Broadway actress, LaTanya Richardson did not throw her husband out of the house and onto the street. Instead, she made him get professional help and go to rehab. Indeed, TTC deeply respects the couple’s choice to go public. Moreover, showing how a successful actor like Jackson got professional help will inspire others to take the same step. Latanya explains how God spoke to her clearly in those hard times, saying, “Now, you can’t leave this young man like this. Give him some help.”
Detailing the Successful Recovery of Samuel L. Jackson
Without question, Samuel L Jackson knew he needed professional support: “I was addicted and being crazy.” Taking the lifeline of his loving family, the actor went to treatment and found recovery. Today, movies starring and featuring Samuel L Jackson include massive franchises like Star Wars and the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies. Incredibly, these movies have grossed over $18.5 billion worldwide, making him the highest-grossing actor ever. More importantly to the actor, he is an excellent husband to LaTanya and a loving, present father to their grown daughter, Zoe.
If Samuel L Jackson can recover from a hopeless state of mind and body, you or a loved one can heal. Once again, TTC highlights the recovery of celebrities to show that recovery is possible. To learn more about accessing professional help, please contact us today.