Prescription drug relapse
Prescription painkiller addiction can often be difficult to treat because the addict believes a drug is medically necessary. Addiction counselors must help addicts get passed this notion or relapses will surely occur. One obstacle to counseling is that opiate cravings also plague addicts, and they reinforce the feeling of need. Those cravings can be reduced with Vivitrol, allowing for more effective counseling.

Tarzana Treatment Centers provides Vivitrol treatment. Our services are covered by Medicare and Medi-Cal, along with other health care contracts. This monthly injection of Naltrexone can improve your chances at long-term recovery.
When prescription opiate addiction begins as a result of pain management, having been legally prescribed for treatment, some individuals will become addicted. It can start with mild or strong pain killers, prescribed for varying durations of time, and the addiction can take hold. As long as they can convince a medical professional to prescribe the medication, they will justify the need for it to themselves and others.
This creates a challenge in drug treatment because the great majority of prescription drug addicts will not suffer real physical pain if they stop using. Medical detoxification is recommended, and they may feel minor pangs from nerves coming back to life. But the biggest fear they have is that they will begin to feel emotions again. Counselors need to help addicts to understand this, and then they can dig down to core issues.
Opiate cravings are at their peak in early recovery. They are a major trigger for relapse, and very distracting. Vivitrol treatment reduces the cravings, providing a less stressful environment for treatment. It clears the road for recovering prescription drug addicts to understand that they don’t have physical pain, and to learn how to deal with their emotions.
Tarzana Treatment Centers in Los Angeles provides a full array of health care services including adult and youth alcohol and drug treatment. We specialize in treatment for mental health and substance use disorders, and have two primary medical care clinics in the San Fernando Valley and Antelope Valley and specialized services for HIV/AIDS care. If you or a loved one needs help with alcohol dependence, drug addiction, or co-occurring mental health disorders or from other services we offer, please call us now at 888-777-8565 or contact us using our secure contact form.
Telemedicine services are also available with online medical care, online mental health treatment, and online alcohol and drug treatment.
Southern California Locations for Alcohol and Drug Treatment
Tarzana Treatment Centers has locations all over Southern California in Los Angeles County. Other than our central location in Tarzana, we have facilities in Lancaster in the Antelope Valley, Long Beach, and in Northridge and Reseda in the San Fernando Valley.