SAMHSA and TTC Highlight Underage Alcohol Abuse Prevention
Underage alcohol abuse and high-risk college drinking remain dangers nationwide to the health of young people. Recognizing this challenge, both the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Agency (SAMHSA) and Tarzana Treatment Centers, Inc. (TTC) are taking steps to raise awareness. When it comes to underage alcohol abuse, sparking awareness fuels the engine of effective prevention efforts.
As the spearhead of prevention efforts across the country, SAMHSA provides a bevy of new resources on an annual basis. It is necessary to keep up with the curve of underage alcohol abuse and high-risk college drinking. Indeed, the receptivity of young people depends on an updated approach. Thus, SAMHSA recognizes that the means of communicating with this populationis fluid by nature. Hence, ongoing adaptation is the key to success.

SAMHSA Prevention Strategies Targets Underage Alcohol Abuse
At the beginning of 2021, SAMHSA releases several resources to target both underage drinking and high-risk college drinking.The goal is to provide young people with effective prevention strategies. Since the start of the 21st century, SAMHSA has made the prevention ofunderage drinking and high-risk college drinking an ongoing priority.
The first set of prevention resources focuses on underage alcohol abuse. In this package, SAMHSA includes a videoand discussion guidetitled “Embracing Culture and Context to Prevention Underage Drinking.” Highlighting a traditionally under-serviced population, both resources show how historically black colleges and universities can foster prevention strategies to meet the needs of an underaged population. Moreover, the resources demonstrate how these resources apply to other institutions that serve students from distinct backgrounds, regions, and cultures.
Following a similar pattern, the second set of SAMHSA resources includes a videoand discussion guide titled “College Drinking: Prevention Perspectives ‘Lessons Learned at Frostburg State University.’” The video and guide highlight steps being taken to reduce campus underage and high-risk drinking. Most importantly, the resources highlight the process of implementation of prevention strategies that are proven to work.
TTC Uses Twitter to Target Underage Alcohol Abuse and More

Wanting to target underage alcohol abuse as well as other modes of prevention, Tarzana Treatment Centers employs the technological platforms that reach young people. During National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (3/22/21 – 03/28/21), TTC is hosting a Twitter Chat on March 25th at 11 am PST. Promoting the Twitter Chat with the hashtag #AVTwitterChatNDAFW, which also provides access to the event, TTC is using the latest technologies to raise awareness.
Topics during the Twitter Chat will include underage alcohol abuse, substance use prevention, and mental health resources. The goal of TTC is to follow in the footsteps of SAMHSA with an understanding that prevention efforts are essential. After all, if we are able to prevent underage drinking, then lives are saved. Indeed, future treatment is not a necessity.