“Shame and Stigma Fuel the Drug Crisis and Prevent Treatment” – Dr. Nora Volkow
A national drug crisis continues to ravage America. According to Dr. Nora Volkow, the Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the effects of the damage are everywhere. All segments of the population are suffering today. From individuals and families to institutions and businesses, the damage is apparent. Hence, with overdose rates spiraling upwards and fentanyl contamination present everywhere, the danger is real.
According to Dr. Volkow, in a passionate article published on the Association of American Medical Colleges website, doctors must realize that treating substance use disorders is the same as treating any other disease. It can no longer be ignored.
In the article, Dr. Volkow highlights the issues of stigma and shame. Stigma and shame are not only present in families, schools, and workplaces. Indeed, these adverse, anachronistic reactions still exist in doctor’s offices and hospitals. Thus, there remains resistance among many doctors nationwide not to treat or even deal with patients with substance use disorders (SUD). Rather than help them find treatment, they react in a way that generates a shame response in patients. Tragically, shame leads to more drug usage and overdoses.
Overcoming Shame Means Combatting the Drug Crisis
In describing in detail the role of stigma in the medical field, Dr. Nora Volkow writes, “Medical schools until recently offered little or no training in screening for or treating substance use disorders because, for many years, addiction was not seen as a medical problem. Even now, when medical systems offer treatment, it may be limited or inadequate. Among dedicated addiction treatment programs, fewer than half offer medications, which is tantamount to denial of appropriate medical care, according to a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report.”

Therefore, without proper medical care, the disease of addiction continues to go untreated in the vast majority of cases. At Tarzana Treatment Centers (TTC), however, the SUD treatment team agrees one hundred percent with Dr. Nora Volkow. As a Medications for Addiction Treatment (MAT) provider, TTC prioritizes the treatment of substance use disorders with the latest medications. Indeed, the SUD treatment team understands that such methods are essential to prevent the rising tide of the drug crisis.
Moreover, TTC agrees that stigma and shame have no place in the treatment of a life-threatening condition. Dr. Volkow believes, “[Stigma] contributes to the tragic reality that fewer than 13% of people with an illicit drug use disorder received any treatment for their addiction in 2019.” In response, TTC raises community awareness. The keys to raising awareness are education and prevention efforts. By raising awareness, stigma is overcome.
The National Drug Crisis and Treatment Accessibility
Beyond raising awareness, more national funding for treatment is a necessity. Progress is possible by leaning on recovery institutions like TTC with a proven record. However, treatment is only possible with more outpatient and inpatient options. Providing greater access to treatment is an essential step forward. With recovery options free of stigma and shame, overcoming the drug crisis is possible. If you want to know more about recovery options at Tarzana Treatment Centers, please get in touch with us today.