Tarzana Treatment Centers Takes Part in DEA’s Rx Drug Take Back Day
Once more, the DEA’s Rx Drug Take Back Day is upon us. Thus, Tarzana Treatment Centers (TTC) is ready to help. On April 24th, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is holdingthe20th National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. As described on the Rx Drug Take Back Day website, the public can drop offprescription medications at collection sites. TTC is leading the way in Antelope Valley. At the AV Kaiser location, we are partnering with the DEA and the California Highway Patrol.
Moreover, these drop-off sites will adhere to COVID-19 guidelines and regulations. At the DEA’s last Rx DrugTake Back Day in October, the agency collected 500 tons of drugs. Over the 10-year span of the Drug Take Back Days, more than 6,800 tons of prescription drugs have collected. Below, please find a list of local Rx Drug Take Back Day locations.

Rx Drug Take Back Day Includes Site Locator
Indeed, theDEA RX Drug Take Back Day websiteincludes a collection site locator. Thus, you can find the collection that is closest either to your home or work location. In addition, several public service announcements are available for free distribution. Moreover, the results from previous Take Back Days are available. Finally, other valuable resources related to the dangers of unused prescription medications.
As the DEA Take Back Day website clearly delineates, “According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 9.7 million people misused prescription pain relievers, 4.9 million people misused prescription stimulants, and 5.9 million people misused prescription tranquilizers or sedatives in 2019… a majority of misused prescription drugs were obtained from family and friends, often from the home medicine cabinet.”
Given the dangers, Tarzana Treatment Centers is proud to participate in the Prescription Drug Take Back Day events. As one of the nation’s top nonprofit healthcare providers, TTC is a firm believer in prevention efforts.
TTC Prevention Staff in Antelope Valley Leads the Way
Covering Lancaster and Palmdale, two Southern California cities on the western edge of the Mojave Desert, the prevention staff in TTC’s Antelope Valley location lead the way. Previously, the April 2020 Rx Drug Take Back Day was shut down by the DEA due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, last October, in collaboration with the California Highway Patrol and the DEA, TTC actively took part in outreach efforts in October 2020.
Incredibly, TTC helped disseminate more than five thousand flyers at local pharmacies, veterinarian offices, Costco locations, senior living facilities in Lancaster and Palmdale. More importantly, an impressive 328 pounds of prescription drugs were collectedon that Rx Drug Take Back Day. With renewed efforts, the TTC prevention team hopes to do even better this year. Below is the information in Spanish that was provided above in English.

April 24thRx Drug Take Back Day at Kaiser Antelope Valley
On April 24, 2021, at the Antelope Valley Kaiser location in the Lancaster-Butterfly building, Tarzana Treatment Centers is joining a powerful team. Indeed, the Rx Drug Take Back Day team includes the California Highway Patrol and AV Kaiser Permanente staff beyond TTC AV prevention efforts. Moreover, the team at Pueblo Y Salud, a local leader in education programs for under-serviced youths, is joining TTC in our outreach efforts.
Without question, the April 24th Rx Drug Take Back Day will be a major success. From the perspective of the TTC prevention team, removing the dangers of unneeded prescription drugs from the community is truly gratifying.