The Greater Meaning of July 4th Independence Day 2021
On July 4th, the United States of America celebrates Independence Day 2021. On this year, however, there is a greater meaning than in years past. As the COVID-19 pandemic slowly ends, everyone faces a new beginning. From the perspective of Tarzana Treatment Centers (TTC), Independence Day 2021 denotes newfound freedom from substance use disorder (SUD). Indeed, if you are struggling with drugs or alcohol, it is time to embrace this freedom.
After all, the Fourth of July is a holiday that celebrates the absolute best of the American spirit. Beyond the fireworks and barbecues, the holiday represents a time when we underline the role of independence. As colonies of England, the exploitation of the American settlers is commonplace. Breaking away from domination, the settlers experience the true freedom they came across the Atlantic Ocean to discover. In that same way, TTC believes Independence Day 2021 represents freedom from the weight of the pandemic. However, to truly experience such freedom, a person also needs to be free from substance use disorders.
The History Behind Independence Day 2021

If you want to know more about the Fourth of July, the History Channel is a valuable source of information. According to the History Channel, “The Fourth of July—also known as Independence Day or July 4th—has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941, but the tradition of Independence Day celebrations goes back to the 18th century and the American Revolution. On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence, and two days later, delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson.”
The pure expression of Thomas Jefferson on the Declaration of Independence reflects the freedom at the core of the recovery process. Indeed, the values Jefferson expresses are the heart and soul of living a sober life. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson specifically writes, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that their Creator endows them with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
From the right to the pursuit of happiness to the equality of all human beings, Jefferson underlines Independence Day 2021 with exemplary values. Thus, if you or a loved one is under the brutal domination of a substance use disorder, freedom is necessary. Why not use Independence Day 2021 as an opportunity to achieve this freedom. By contacting Tarzana Treatment Centers and learning how we can help, you are taking the first step. Indeed, every journey to independence begins with a single step. If you are willing, we are ready to help.
Independence Day 2021 = The Freedom of Individual Recovery

Beyond the country’s independence, we want to make Independence Day 2021 about your freedom or the freedom of a loved one. If you know someone in need of recovery, it is time to help free them from the burden of a substance use disorder. After all, addiction is like a form of self-imprisonment. After living in a substance use disorder cage, Independence Day 2021 means walking out into the sunlight.
On the Fourth of July, TTC underscores the values of equality, diversity, and integrated whole-person services. Hence, we have the services that help realize the dream of freedom. Can you taste the wonder and beauty of your independence from drugs and alcohol? Do you see the fireworks celebrating your freedom? Would you please give us a chance to help you turn this redemptive vision into viable reality? Together, let us emphasize and celebrate the greater meaning of Independence Day 2021.