Tom Holland Finds Freedom from the Enslavement of Alcohol Use Disorder
Actor Tom Holland reveals how freedom from alcohol use disorder changed his life for the better. Widely known for portraying Spiderman in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Holland revealed that behind the scenes, he turned to alcohol as a form of escape. Moreover, with co-occurring disorders, Tom Holland fought a war on two fronts.
What began as a coping mechanism eventually spiraled into alcohol use disorder. Recognizing the harm, Holland made the courageous decision to reclaim control. Leaving his “enslavement to alcohol behind, the actor regained a sense of personal empowerment.

Tom Holland’s Freedom from Alcohol Use Disorder
After stopping drinking temporarily, Holland realized that everything had improved. Hence, as he explained in an interview for the On Purpose With Jay Shetty podcast, “I could sleep better. I could handle problems better. Things that would go wrong on set that would normally set me off, I could take in my stride. I had such better mental clarity. I felt healthier, I felt fitter and I just sort of said to myself, ‘Why? Why am I enslaved to this drink? Why am I so obsessed by the idea of having this drink?'”
In the past, TTC wrote about Tom Holland, revealing how even Spiderman struggles with mental health issues. Revealing his recovery from alcohol use disorder, the actor goes a step further. Indeed, he shows how his mental health issues were intertwined with his abuse of alcohol. Hence, such a public revelation is helpful to young people struggling in silence.
For many young people dealing with mental health issues, substances like alcohol can appear to offer a temporary escape. However, as Holland discovered, this “escape” often comes at a steep price. Alcohol Use Disorder, particularly in young people, can deepen feelings of isolation, worsen anxiety, and impair both physical and mental health over time.
Alcohol Use Disorder and Young People
Most significantly, Holland’s story highlights the importance of seeking help and choosing healthier coping methods. His journey also underscores that freedom from alcohol use disorder is transformative. However, to achieve such freedom, many people need to access the right professional resources and help.

For example, Tarzana Treatment Centers (TTC) offers integrated, holistic services that empower young people to find their path to freedom. Moreover, TTC understands that substance use disorders rarely exist in isolation. Indeed, many young people use alcohol or drugs to manage underlying issues like anxiety, depression, or past trauma. As a direct result of such co-occurring disorders, TTC’s treatment approach is not only focused on eliminating substance use but also addressing underlying mental health issues.
TTC Focuses on Freedom from Alcohol Use Disorder
At TTC, care for alcohol use disorder begins with comprehensive assessments that allow their professional team to create customized treatment plans. Recognizing that every individual’s journey to recovery is unique, they offer a range of services tailored to meet diverse needs. In addition, a key component of TTC’s approach is its family-focused model. Moreover, TTC fosters an environment of healing and mutual understanding by involving family members in the treatment process. Therefore, the overall goal is to rebuild trust and improve communication.
For young people struggling with mental health issues, TTC’s co-occurring disorders treatment services are nothing less than transformative. Recognizing the intricate connection between the two, TTC allows patients to recover on all fronts. Just as Tom Holland found that freedom from alcohol helped him reconnect with himself and his purpose, TTC aims to empower young people to break free from alcohol use disorder to rediscover their strengths and potential.
Without question, Tom Holland’s story is one of resilience and recovery, and it offers hope to others that freedom from alcohol use disorder is possible. Sober for over two years, he is walking a path of true recovery. Through the support of Tarzana Treatment Centers, young people dealing with similar issues can find the path to their bright futures.