Top Ten Substance Use Disorder Movies on Showtime
Below is a list of the top ten substance use disorder movies on Showtime.
These top ten streaming lists of the best film, television, and documentary resources are designed for treatment professionalsto offer their patients.The goal is to provide easily accessible information about substance use disorder and addictive behaviors.

As an important note, we recommend watching these movies, shows, and documentaries before recommending them. Many of these films on Showtime portray recreational drugs with graphic reality and could trigger people in early recovery. A movie that could be illuminating to one patient, opening their eyes to the dangers of drug abuse, could also prove to be dangerous to another.
Thus, as a disclaimer, we ask you to use your own experienced judgment when deciding whether to recommend these substance use disorder movies on Showtime to patients, particularly those vulnerable and newly sober.
Here are the Top Ten Substance Use Disorder Movies on Showtime
1) 28 Days (2000)
A hard-drinking New York journalist realizes she has a real problem after a court sentences her to rehab. Gradually, her reluctance and resistance are replaced with realization and reform.
2)No Country for Old Men (2007)
The Coen brothers reveal the dangers of the illegal drug business. When a regular guy finds the bloody aftermath of a drug deal gone bad, greed takes over when he finds the cash left behind.
3) Hot Summer Night (2018)
A teenagerfalls into dangerous waters when a so-called friend convinces him to deal drugs. His idyllic summer on Cape Cod. The greed of selling marijuana leads them straight to cocaine.
4)Collide (2016)
Desperate for money, an American backpacker gets a job as a driver in Germany. He soon realizes that his employers are drug smugglers, and he will be their fall guy.
5) Reefer Madness or Tell Your Children (1935)
The classic scare film about the dangers of smoking marijuana is dated, but it amusingly shows how drugs can lead to a life of crime. One of the true classic substance use disorder movies on Showtime.
6) Amy (2015)
A tragic documentary shows how drinking and drug addiction derails the life of incredibly talented and successful singer/songwriter Amy Winehouse, leading to her untimely death.
7) The Trade (2018)
A visceral, no-holds-barred look at the opioid crisis in America and Mexico. The first season of this docu-series shows communities, addicts, and more involved being ravaged by addiction.
8) Whitney: Can I Be Me? (2017)
A brutally honest look at the life and tragic death of Whitney Houston as addiction takes over. Despite her incredible success, she could never escape her own instinct for self-destruction.
9) Hit! (1973)
When the daughter of a federal agent dies of a heroin overdose, the entire focus of his life becomes to destroy the drug ring that supplied her with the drugs. One of the best substance use disorder movies on Showtime.
10) Patrick Melrose (2018)
The trauma of his childhood leads a man to self-medicate with drugs and substance abuse. Year after year, he struggles to overcome the abusive shadow of his father’s cruelty.

Hence, substance use disorder movies on Showtime help you to show certain patients the cost of addiction. Also, if you want to know more about addiction, substance use disorder movies on Showtime are a good place to start. After all, Showtime offers easy access to cable and streaming services.