Why Do Teenagers Abuse Whippets and Other Dangerous Inhalants?
When they learn what is happening, many parents wonder why teenagers abuse whippets and other dangerous inhalants. The active ingredient in whippets is nitrous oxide, otherwise known as laughing gas. In recent years, inhalant abuse, particularly among teenagers, has been on the rise.
One of the most dangerous trends is the misuse of “whippets,” a term for small canisters filled with nitrous oxide, commonly used as a propellant in whipped cream dispensers. Teenagers abuse whippets to achieve a short-lived euphoric high, which is incredibly risky. Moreover, the appeal of inhalants like whippets lies in their accessibility and affordability, making them an attractive option for curious adolescents.

The Consequences of Inhalant Abuse
However, the consequences of when teenagers abuse whippets and other inhalants are severe. Inhalants cause immediate effects such as dizziness, hallucinations, and impaired judgment. Moreover, long-term abuse can lead to brain damage, memory loss, heart problems, and even sudden death. Therefore, the short-lived high that teenagers seek is not worth the irreversible damage that inhalant abuse can cause to their developing brains and bodies.
According to Dr. Nora Volkow, the Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), “Parents and children need to know that even sporadic or single episodes of inhalant use may cause serious health problems. Inhalants can disrupt heart rhythms and cause death from cardiac arrest, or lower oxygen levels enough to cause suffocation. Regular abuse of these substances can result in serious harm to vital organs, including the brain, heart, kidneys, and liver.”
Addressing Why Teenagers Abuse Whippets
Our treatment team at Tarzana Treatment Centers (TTC) knows that addressing this issue requires a comprehensive approach that includes education, prevention, and treatment. TTC, through its Youth and Family Services program, offers specialized substance use disorder (SUD) treatment services to address why teenagers abuse whippets and other inhalants. The TTC program provides inpatient and outpatient services, ensuring that teens receive the appropriate level of care based on their needs.
Inpatient services offer a structured environment where teenagers receive intensive treatment, including counseling, medical care, and support for co-occurring mental health disorders. Additionally, outpatient services allow teens to continue their daily lives while participating in therapy sessions, support groups, and educational programs. Most importantly, TTC emphasizes family involvement, recognizing that a robust support system is crucial for recovery success.
By offering a range of treatment options tailored to the unique challenges of inhalant abuse, the Youth and Family Services program at Tarzana Treatment Centers is helping to address the growing problem of teenagers abusing whippets and other inhalants. Moreover, by offering comprehensive care and support, they are working to guide young people toward a healthier and more promising future. The goal is to make the question of why teenagers abuse whippets a question of the past.
Other Types of Inhalants that Teenagers Abuse
Here are some of the other types of inhalant drugs that are commonly abused:
Gaining popularity in the festival scene, poppers are chemicals like amyl nitrite that can be sniffed or inhaled to produce a rapid sensation of euphoria.
Volatile Solvents:
Volatile solvents are cheap and easy to access. They are liquids such as glue (adhesives), cleaners (paint thinner), and paints. Moreover, the fumes are inhaled or “huffed” out of a paper bag to get the teenager high.
Aerosol Products:
Teenagers abuse aerosol products for the same reason teenagers abuse whippets. Widely available in many household products, aerosols such as hair spray, body spray, and cleaning products often contain propellants. The aerosols are sprayed into a cloth, paper, or plastic bag and huffed or inhaled to get high.
Dust Off:
Typically meant for the sole purpose of cleaning keyboards and other computer parts, air duster contains a chemical called difluoroethane. This toxic chemical is huffed and inhaled, going directly into the lungs to produce a fast and dangerous high.
Indeed, all these inhalants are incredibly dangerous. Using inhalants is like playing Russian Roulette.
Teenagers Abuse Whippets at Music Festivals

Did you know that teenagers abuse whippets at music festivals? Whippets and other inhalants are popular at music festivals due to their immediate and intense effects. At festivals, the powerful and immersive scene overflows with temptations. Loud music, bright lights, and large crowds create an atmosphere that celebrates inhalants.
The social nature of festivals fosters an environment that normalizes and encourages substance use. Moreover, the ease of access and relatively low cost of inhalants compared to other substances also contribute to their popularity. Hence, at many music festivals, dug dealers bring tanks of the gas to the parking lots, selling balloons filled with nitrous oxide.
Since inhalants offer a rapid and intense high, teenagers abuse whippets for apparent reasons. This high can lead some teens to seek out the quick, euphoric effects repeatedly. Thus, such drug-seeking fosters the development of addiction and inhalant use disorder over time. In addition, the TTC Treatment Team knows that teenagers can fall victim to the temptation of inhalants, leading to dependency and addiction.
Help at TTC for Teenagers Abusing Inhalants
If your teenager is in trouble, TTC can help. Many teenagers abuse whippets and other inhalants, but most can get beyond this dangerous practice. If your teenager needs help, please contact TTC today. The road to recovery is one phone call away.