“Why is Dad Always So Worried?”- A List of Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders
In an unsteady world of pandemics and conflict, a list of symptoms of anxiety disorders is helpful. After all, given the circumstances, it is not surprising that dad or mom, son or daughter seems worried. However, when that worry gets out of hand and happens all the time, it could be a sign of a generalized anxiety disorder.
Indeed, according to the Mayo Clinic, “Experiencing occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. Still, people with anxiety disorders frequently have intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations.” In difficult periods, an everyday bout of worry can worsen into persistent anxiety that does not go away.

Tarzana Treatment Centers and Generalized Anxiety Disorder
As a nonprofit provider of integrated care, Tarzana Treatment Centers offers mental health treatment programs for generalized anxiety disorder. Hence, there is a proven history of helping to relieve people from overwhelming fears and worries. If you or a loved one is experiencing the symptoms outlined below, we can help.
Therefore, to illuminate the difference between normal anxiety and something worse, here is a basic list of symptoms of anxiety disorders:
A Basic List of the Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders
Since being worried and anxious about the modern world is quite common these days, it is important to distinguish between this understandable response to stress and the symptoms of anxiety disorders. Below is a list to help discriminate between the two.
1) Feeling nervous, restless, worried, or tense all or most of the time without an obvious reason for these feelings.
2) Experiencing a sense of danger or an impending feeling of doom without direct cause for such a reaction.
3) Panic attacks that come on without warning or clear reason. If someone is chasing you with a knife, panic is a survival mechanism. If panic attacks occur unexpectedly, impeding everyday life, help is needed.
4) The avoidance of people, places, and things that might trigger a panic attack, thus a change in behavior, is one of the symptoms of anxiety disorders.
More Physical Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

5) Persistent gastrointestinal (GI) problems and digestive issues can be one of the symptoms of anxiety disorders. The intensity of stress and fear lead to physical consequences.
6) Insomnia, the inability to sleep due to worry and fear, often is one of the symptoms of anxiety disorders.
7) Moreover, hyperventilation or breathing rapidly while losing the ability to slow down is a common sign of a generalized anxiety disorder.
8) Sweating, trembling, and physical exhaustion equal definite symptoms. When these physical reactions emerge without direct cause, it is most likely a symptom.
Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders = Reach out for Professional Support
As a provider of integrated healthcare, TTC knows the value of professional support. If the symptoms of anxiety disorders are damaging your life or a loved one’s life, please do not hesitate to reach out for help.
Indeed, the clinical staff at Tarzana Treatment Centers are here to provide assessment, diagnosis, and treatment for such conditions. Therefore, please contact us and access the help your family needs