Youth and Family Services at Tarzana Treatment Centers
When the health of family members is a concern, you want to trust their health care only to quality providers. This is especially true for children and seniors. It is also helpful if all of your health care providers are at one location.
Tarzana Treatment Centers provides many of the services you need to maintain good physical and mental health. We also contract with several public funding sources so we can provide these services to anyone who needs them.

Starting with our medical care clinics, physicians can attend to your physical health care needs in a clean and comfortable setting. If you suffer from a mental health disorder, our licensed professionals are available for therapy. Alcohol and drug addiction treatment is also available, including medical detoxification and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT). For individuals who are HIV positive, our well-renowned HIV Services can help manage your special needs.
Growing up can be difficult. Our Youth Services staff specializes in treating teen alcohol and drug abuse, as well as adolescent mental health issues. These problems can tear the family apart, so our youth programs are built to repair the bonds that have been broken. Family members learn to accept one-another and work together, which strikes at the core of substance use disorders.
We provide senior health services covered by Medicare and Medicare Advantage. Along with medical care, mental health treatment and substance abuse treatment services are available. These issues often go ignored by family members and seniors suffer needlessly. We will provide services ranging from short-term therapy to residential treatment.
Tarzana Treatment Centers accepts Medi-Cal, Healthy Way LA (HWLA), and a few other forms of public funding for health care services. You can call to find out if you are covered. If you are not currently enrolled in a program, we can help you to apply. We also accept most forms of private insurance, and private payment on a sliding scale based on your ability to pay.
Please call today.
Tarzana Treatment Centers in Los Angeles provides a full array of health care services including adult and youth alcohol and drug treatment. We specialize in treatment for mental health and substance use disorders, and have two primary medical care clinics in the San Fernando Valley and Antelope Valley and specialized services for HIV/AIDS care. If you or a loved one needs help with alcohol dependence, drug addiction, or co-occurring mental health disorders or from other services we offer, please call us now at 888-777-8565 or contact us using our secure contact form.
Telemedicine services are also available with online medical care, online mental health treatment, and online alcohol and drug treatment.
Southern California Locations for Alcohol and Drug Treatment
Tarzana Treatment Centers has locations all over Southern California in Los Angeles County. Other than our central location in Tarzana, we have facilities in Lancaster in the Antelope Valley, Long Beach, and in Northridge and Reseda in the San Fernando Valley.